Annual Meeting of Members 2024

October 4th, 7 p.m.


The Sherman Library Board of Trustees announces that the Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Friday, October 4th at 7 p.m. at the Library, unless public health or safety concerns require us to change the meeting to be held remotely via Zoom.

Members of the Sherman Library will be asked to elect Trustees and will hear reports from the Executive Director, President, Treasurer, and the chair of the Investment Committee. You are entitled to vote if you became a member between September 12, 2023 and September 11, 2024. Members may vote at the annual meeting or by proxy. The proxy form is available at the Library or by using the link below. The completed proxy may be mailed to the Library, dropped off at the Library, or scanned and emailed to The deadline for submitting a proxy is October 1st at 7 p.m.

To attend, register by Tuesday, October 1st, 7 p.m. using the link below. Registration is requested so that we may facilitate check-in at the front door of the Library the night of the meeting. If you are unable to register, you may check in at the Library the night of the meeting.

The Annual Meeting agenda and related documents are available at the Library or in the following links:


Annual Meeting  of Members Agenda


Annual Meeting of Members Announcement Flyer

2023 Annual Meeting of Members Minutes

For further information, email or call (860) 354-2455.

Annual Meeting of Members Information